Once those have installed we'll need to run the command below. When the window opens, you'll need to go into advanced settings and set the baud rate to 115200
git clone https://github.com/KevinOConnor/klipper
cd ~/klipper
make menuconfig
You'll need to modify it to use you're pi's IP address and you're printer's path (the first command we ran on this page)
Now we need to flash our board. There is no undo button for this. If you decide klipper isn't for you, you'll need to get a copy of your current firmware. You can probably snap an image of it using avrdude or you can find one online.
This is the point of no return. We flash klipper to your printer's motherboard.
sudo service klipper stop
sudo avrdude -v -v -D -F -V -p atmega2560 -P <PATH TO YOUR PRINTER> -c stk500v2 -b 57600 -U flash:w:out/klipper.elf.hex
sudo service klipper start
You'll need to modify the command above to match the path of your printer. (The first command we ran on this page)